Well, well, well.....I just read what I had on here at 24. I'm ticking a little differently these days. Where
to begin.
I am a 28 year old junior at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas. (Apparently, the arm pit of the
world, but a great place for a college) I am finding I am becoming more active where social injustices are occuring..(see
my Jose Padilla rant). I am finally comfortable with being out. But that doesn't mean I have a boyfriend.
Oh, no...not nearly. Ah well, times are hard, sometimes. I'll deal. I always do.
I had someone come into my life a few months back, not as a love interest, but as someone who inadvertantly forced me to
re-direct my life and the priorities within it. He was a spiritual guru, of sorts. I will be thankful for his
brief time in my life and the impact he had on me.
So, what would I most wish to convey to anyone reading this? Life is too short not to be happy. Be happy with
yourself. Be happy with your surroundings. Be happy with those you choose to love and who choose to love you,
too. I bet I could be coaxed into including some of my writings from high school that follow that same vein. Why
didn't they take, then? Ah well, no regrets, right? Yeah, right!